Deeper lore (Mostly for artists)


Here I disclose a set of rules regarding my universe. Reading this will reveal things that could diminish the thrill of discovery inside my videos.

The main purpose of this is to help people who want to make fan arts or references if they want them to be canon.
The “Lore” page refers to elements seen inside the videos and are not objective and fully accurate rules. They are elements understood subjectively by beings inside the universe and therefore could be wrong.

This is not exhaustive nor 100% accurate!
I have 32 pages of lore so I didn’t put everything and I had to oversimplify things. I may detail/add things later but I think you can’t make mistakes by following these guidelines.

  1. In theory this lore is compatible with every character, every universe.
  2. The Entity is my OC and if you want to include it in your story/image/whatever AND want it to be canon for me it’s better to contact me to avoid storylines conflicts 😉 .
  3. Aetheric Energies(AE) are generated by feelings, emotions. They impact their surroundings depending on their amount and nature. I focus on Sexual Energy(SE) in my stories.
    – AE can be used as “magic,power etc…”
  4. The Aetherium is a representation of humanity’s subconscious. It’s a universe that wraps around/comprises/link every other universe. Nothing can exist in it but vague thoughts, ideas not yet formed, emotions… When an idea, a character, a story becomes conscious it materializes in/as a material universe (bubble).
  5. Aetheric Crystals are bits of Aetherium trapped in a material universe.
    – They are present in every universe and are randomly spread. They can vary a lot in size and shape.
    – They attract and store Aetheric Energies of their affinity, but don’t produce them.
    – They can be connected via the Aetherium to other Crystals of the same affinity (in same or different universes) to allow communication or travel by the opening of portals (if enough energy is provided).
    – They are indestructible.
  6. Aetheric Creatures are beings that feed partially or entirely on AE.
    – They don’t “exist” in the Aetherium but they come from it. As soon as they exist, they are in a universe and can not go back to the Aetheruim.
    – Aetheric Creatures can spawn or possess existing beings/things.
  7. The Entity is an Aetheric Creature that feeds on SE.
  8. The womb tattoo on the Entity’s slaves is magical and can only be branded by the Entity. (Of course anyone can have any tattoo but if it’s not branded by the Entity it won’t have it’s properties.)
    – The central (human in Lara’s, TIfa’s, Triss’s, Mei’s etc) figure of the Entity’s womb Tattoo is based on the branded character wearing it. (It’s a silhouette of the character in that pose at the moment of the branding)
    – There are different tattoo levels depending on the “corruption level” of the wearer (Prey < Captive < Servant < Corruptor < Avatar
    – The tattoo attracts and stores SE (+/- depending on the lvl)
    – Only the Entity can allow a tattoo’s level up when conditions are met. (In person or via a connected Crystal)
    – The Avatar level is a special one and cannot be leveled up normally.